Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Toddler Speak

"My show?"
"My ball?"
I just don't know what the heck he was trying to say. After a few rounds of 'guess the toddler words', I give up and just nod and smile. Or say "oh" or "that's nice" and hope one of them covers it and he is satisfied. This one is certainly NOT as clear as the "BUCKLE ME!" one a while ago. Usually the parents of young little tikes are the ones that are able to translate for others when their toddler speaks, I am afraid that I am NOT a good translator. Although I do understand some things and the cutest of them all lately is when I am changing his diaper and he proudly taps his privates and says, "my pee-pee, my bawls".


Bobbie said...

Ah, the penile pride starts early in this one!

Unknown said...

Good boy!