Monday, August 10, 2009


No, I am not still in Minnesota. I have been back for over 2 weeks now. I would have some fabulous pictures of our trip for your enjoyment, but I either lost or someone stole my awesome camera. I noticed it missing the day before my trip when I was packing things. So no pictures...well there might be some pictures on other peoples cameras, but I have NO pictures in my possession. Sucks. Sucks real bad. I miss my camera and feel (if I could) like kicking myself in my own ass for either losing it or letting some asshat (word borrowed from Bobbie - Thank you Bobbie!) steal it. I hate even thinking about it so I am moving on to other less annoying subjects.

I missed home. I was glad to be coming back to see Dave and the girls. Its good to be settling back into a sort of routine. Brandon stayed for another 3 weeks though so I miss Brandon now. I can't wait for him to come home. He gets back on Saturday, so only a few more days. School starts here on next Monday. I think all the kids are looking forward to it to be honest. Its Kristens last year, so she is excited to start and finish, LOL! She only has 3 classes each semester so she will get out early everyday to go to her job. Autumn loves school for the social I am sure she is pumped to get back into the social networks. She has spent plenty of time with a few friends over the summer, but there are also quite a lot she hasn't seen. Plus she is a new freshman this year. I think she may be a tad nervous about that. Brandon is going back to public school and will be in 5th grade and I know he is EXCITED to get back into hanging out with friends. He kept a couple friends from school over the last year but he is also very social and likes being able to connect with all the other troublemakers....errr...friends from 2nd and 3rd grade. So it will be just me and the 2 littlest ones this year. I will be helping out with Grandma Emma from time to time though so I will be busy. Plus those pesky horses keep me running too. Never too many dull moments in my life. I mostly like it though! Exept it would be nice to have a camera to capture some of the cool, funny and cute moments with the kids from time to time, but NOOOO someone had to go lose or steal my camera!

Ok, over it....tell later.

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