Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School

The kids started back to school on Monday and so far everyone is doing great. Its only the first week though!!!

Autumn came home exclaiming how awesome high school is. She apparently as TONS of friends and all the teachers are nice and the math teacher said there won't be much homework. We will see.

Brandon had a good day and said he liked his teacher, she was nice. His friends are coming back. He has a few in his class and the others he gets to see at recess and lunch time. So far he is doing good....he still has a bit of trouble remembering homework and will often jump right in playing games after his chores if I don't remind him. He will get better at that though since he can't use the games anymore unless he remembers his homework.

Kristen only has 3 classes in the morning and then gets let free around 10:30. She is working but doesn't start each day until 12:30, so she has some time to come home for lunch and a quick nap before heading out to work.

Logan and Austin are, of course, doing great at home with me. We work on art projects like painting or coloring or using glue sticks!! Plus I am trying to work with Logan especially on shapes and colors and numbers and letters. He knows some of the stuff, but I am trying to make sure we learn a little bit each day about something new. Today he had an issue with our squares. I cut out a bunch of different sized squares to learn what a square was and I let the boys color and decorate them as they wanted, well Logan did not really like this activity cause he couldn't do something specific with it and it wasn't turning out how he liked so we went on to something else before we had a major melt down. He is pretty dramatic at times.

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