Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hump Day

Wednesday. Middle of the week. Hump day.

My mom will be here on Friday and we are all very excited. As long as Mt. Redoubt doesn't blow that day, everything should go as planned. Its been pretty quiet.

My birthday is coming up soon too. Monday. I will be 34 years old. I was planning a spa day for all the girls here, but that seems like a lot of planning on my part and I would rather do something with less hassle/stress. Nothing like making your birthday celebration stressful when you don't have too. Instead I think I will do my own spa day, maybe with Kristen and my mom and call it good. I really do need some "work" on my hair and my feet are pretty ugly. Dave's feet are "prettier" than mine. He never ever walks around without socks on.

This time last year I was pregnant and didn't know it. It turned out to be an ectopic pregancy and on February 11th (Kristen's birthday), I found out and had surgery to remove my left fallopian tube where the baby had implanted. It's sad for me. I haven't had too hard a time dealing with it except initially, but now that I think back and it comes around to that time of year again, its sad. I am a girl (duh) and emotional at times (duh!) and we tend to overthink/over-analyze at times. So even though the pregnancy was doomed from the beginning, I sit and wonder what-ifs? I also wonder if I ever get "my tubes tied" if the surgery will be half the time since I only have 1 tube to tie. Should be half the cost too, right?

Ok...time to get going with school stuff.

1 comment:

fluffyslippers said...

i'm so sorry joanna. i know how you feel for the most part. i wish i had some profound thing to say to make you feel better but just know you're on my mind and i'm so sorry for the pain you are feeling. xoxoxoox susan