Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

We spent the day at Kepler Lake and just hung out, roasted hot dogs and rented a boat to cruise the lake. It was a good time. The kids tried fishing, but we had no luck with that. Both kid poles got tangled more than once....the big poles just didn't have the right bait or the right operator, I guess.

Row, row, row your boat...gently down the stream.
Dave, Autumn, Logan, Brandon, Austin.

Dave chillaxin' after rowing the boat around the little lake.

Kristen getting sorta mad that someone (Dave & Autumn) keeps
pushing her boat back out when she is trying to get to shore.

Brandon decided he wanted to jump off the boat (got a little help from Autumn)
out in the middle, but then decided the water was too cold and couldn't get back in.
So he just clung to the side while Autumn rowed the boat back to shore.

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